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Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who

The Director of KABA, Angel Shamaya, has an essay on what the NRA has done in support of gun control. He details the hand the NRA played in allowing the 1994 Ban to become law. He is right that the NRA has forsaken gun owners in the past but this needs to stop.

Gun owners need to be united in the gun control issue. There can’t be the division of all these factions that oppose each other. GOA, KABA and the NRA are fighting the same fight. Obviously, some of those groups are more willing to compromise than others.

Gun owners have been divided for a long time.

The hunters vs. the competition shooters: You’ve heard hunters say no one needs an AR15 because politicians get them to say that. This is dividing the gun owners.

The sportsmen vs. the handgunners: There are many hunters and sportsmen who have come out against handguns, after all you don’t need one.

Now, it’s the heavily compromising NRA vs. the uncompromising gun owners, both of which will sell the other down the river in a moment.

If this division continues, we will lose. Yes, I have issues with the NRA (someone asked me why I don’t link to them recently) but the fact is they are the gun lobby that congress listens to. You need to make the NRA aware of your position and when you disagree with them. And by all means keep an eye on them. But do not get so carried away at destroying their credibility that you harm the greater cause.

7 Responses to “Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    That’s something I’ve been debating in my mind: join the NRA or not? Your post is making me think join and try to get them to straighten up.

  2. The Comedian Says:

    Angel Shamaya is male.

    Otherwise great post.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Oops! Thanks for the heads up. Corrected and apologies to Angel.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Thibodeaux, i said before if the AWB sunsets and the NRA is actively involved in its sunset, I will join for life.

  5. Ravenwood Says:

    That’s why I call them the Phantom Menace.

  6. Kevin Baker Says:

    I belong to the NRA for two reasons: First, they are the only organization working to support and defend local shooting ranges, and they are very active in the support of the shooting sports. Without shooters and a place for them to shoot, the right to arms is moot.

    Second, they are still the 800lb gorilla in lobbying Congress, so as a member I have some chance of affecting their lobbying behavior. I think they heard us loud and clear over the AWB recently – to the point of coming out and saying that they would not allow an extention to pass.

    The GOA doesn’t have the kind of clout the NRA does, and it may never. But I’m still a member of it, too.

  7. tgirsch Says:

    I have nothing of substance to add to this debate. However, I do feel compelled to point out:

    This is supposed to be a happy occasion!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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