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Assault Weapons Ban And The Election

AWBanSunset links to a quote by a Republican:

The National Rifle Association and certain members of my party are about to make things much harder for President Bush and his re- election campaign.

Many people, myself included, think the coming election between Bush and Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is going to be very close, with the vote and electoral count difference razor thin. Accepting that to be reality, then I’m wondering why certain Republicans are choosing to hand the Kerry campaign a controversial issue on a “nickel-plated” platter. That issue being the ban on assault weapons.

Bush stands to lose gun owner votes by his own actions. Good. Republicans need to learn that lesson.

And more:

Their fear of the National Rifle Association, its ability to lobby and back the opponent of anyone who takes a stand against them, has galvanized them into inaction.

The NRA is the sum of its members. People think of it as this giant uncaring, people-less machine. It is not. It has members and they vote.

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