Gun owners and Bush
Angel Shamaya, director of Keep and Bear Arms (which gets more hits than the NRA website), was asked to lend his financial support to President Bush. His response is here and worth the read.
Angel Shamaya, director of Keep and Bear Arms (which gets more hits than the NRA website), was asked to lend his financial support to President Bush. His response is here and worth the read.
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March 21st, 2004 at 6:10 pm
You could have quoted part of it. Like this:
At least Al Gore may have been offered token resistance from sellout “Republicans” who, sheep-like, have rubber-stamped each assault on Liberty Mr. Bush has waged. Moon-eyed members of your “Party” call Mr. Bush a hero when the Constitution reveals him to be a usurper of undelegated powers and a man who cannot or will not walk his talk consistently. Under a Democrat President, maybe the Republicans will grow enough spine to oppose raw tyranny. Under a Republican, they apparently worship and idolize it.
March 22nd, 2004 at 8:04 pm
Or, I suppose, he could have quoted the dumbest part:
The smart money says Democrat Sen. Zell Miller won’t be running against Mr. Bush.