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9/11: Enough blame to go around

The 9/11 commission has cited inaction by both the Bush and Clinton administrations. To be honest, I think all of this is just a witch hunt. I tend to doubt either administration thought seriously that the attacks could have been pulled off.

2 Responses to “9/11: Enough blame to go around”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    Clearly, the Bush Administration didn’t seem to think so, as terrorism wasn’t even on their radar prior to 9/11 (but wasting massive amounts of taxpayer dollars on dated missile defense systems that don’t even work was…)

    However, at least at the CIA and cabinet level, the Clinton Administration was panicky about terror — it was a huge priority for the second level. The election-year inaction of the top-level (i.e. Clinton himself) certainly factors in to the problem, but I don’t think it’s accurate to say that Clinton Administration never “thought seriously” that it could be pulled off.

  2. Manish Says:

    Looking for blame on who did what before the attacks is a witch hunt. Government has many priorities and things that can go wrong including terrorism, power failures on the East Coast, etc. Scarcity in resources means that government can’t address all of them.

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