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What an idiot

This is about the worst article on the Assault Weapons Ban I have read. Not only is it factually inaccurate but it contains many spelling and grammatical errors. I’m glad this guy is on the other side.

4 Responses to “What an idiot”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    Note to self: never send the kids to Kutztown University.

  2. Bruce M. Says:

    I love how he thinks shooting from the hip is more deadly.

    If someone’s taking potshots at me, I woudl much rather have him shooting from thr hip than actually aiming at me.

    Unfortunately, the uneducated are suckered in by this crap.

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    In this case, “uneducated” is an understatement. Guns have “stalks?”

  4. Ravenwood's Universe Says:

    Assault guns is bad
    Normally anti-gun articles get my panties in a bind, but this one had me laughing my ass off part way through. The hit piece is so filled with spelling and gramatical errors that I thought it might be some sort…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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