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Bush and Guns

The mainstream press is picking up on the fact Dubya is in trouble with gun owners:

Four years later, some gun owners have grown so disenchanted with President Bush that they may cast a protest vote for a third-party candidate, stay away from the polls, or even back the likely Democratic nominee, gun-control advocate John F. Kerry.

It’s unclear how many gun owners could be counted as activists, but they are affiliated with a variety of organizations, from the NRA and Gun Owners of America to smaller state and regional organizations around the country. And they could play a pivotal role in the outcome of this year’s presidential race.

Surprisingly, the issues that have most alienated many gun groups from the Bush administration have little to do with firearms, but rather with the Patriot Act and other homeland security measures instituted after Sept. 11. Opposition to such laws has aligned gun-rights activists with unlikely partners, such as liberal Democrats and the ACLU.

And the little assault weapons ban thing.

3 Responses to “Bush and Guns”

  1. robert Says:

    If Bush looses, it will be because, like his Dad, he pissed away his base.

    I’m in Texas so my vote hardly matters…Texas will go for Bush, (won’t it?) but I’m not going to hold my nose and vote for him, I’m going libertarian for some party-building.

    Bush thinks Conservatives will have no where else to go. I think they will sit this one out, or vote reluctantly but NOT talk him up, put up yard signs, et, et.

    Big mistake. The margins are pretty thin.

    Bush doesn’t want my vote. It’s obvious.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    You’re likely right. He assumes he’ll get those votes and thus doesn’t place emphasis on them.

  3. Kathy K Says:

    He’s also pissing off the “small-l” libertarian swing voters — on more than just guns. I’m not sure my noseplugs are going to be enough.

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