The problem with this logic is how do you define victory? In this case, victory is defined as a stable, pro-western democracy sprouting up in Iraq. And that goal requires nation-building, winning hearts and minds, etc.
And going after other nations when we can barely keep order in Afghanistan and Iraq? The problem with this logic is we don’t know if what results is going to be better than what we replace. Afghanistan in the 80s is a perfect example. We went in and helped the mujahadeen repel the Soviet Union..and Afghanistan ended up being ruled by the Taliban and acted as a safe haven for Al Qaeda.
April 13th, 2004 at 9:56 am
I want what she’s smoking.
April 13th, 2004 at 10:26 am
I want whatever you are smoking, Chris.
April 13th, 2004 at 12:18 pm
The problem with this logic is how do you define victory? In this case, victory is defined as a stable, pro-western democracy sprouting up in Iraq. And that goal requires nation-building, winning hearts and minds, etc.
And going after other nations when we can barely keep order in Afghanistan and Iraq? The problem with this logic is we don’t know if what results is going to be better than what we replace. Afghanistan in the 80s is a perfect example. We went in and helped the mujahadeen repel the Soviet Union..and Afghanistan ended up being ruled by the Taliban and acted as a safe haven for Al Qaeda.