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Air America starts to crash

See, I told you so.

Update: Smijer alerts us the crash is not as bad as it sounds. And I’m apparently a right-wing profit err prophet (though I think I’d rather be a profit).

4 Responses to “Air America starts to crash”

  1. Morat Says:

    Nothing wrong with being a prophet. Except I understand you’re never respected at home…

    Nice blog, by the way.

  2. skb Says:

    Or a “profit” either.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, yeah,aRTios.

  4. smijer Says:

    Air America Crashes and Burns… And There Was Much Rejoicing
    If you’ve browsed the right half of the blogosphere (and Drudge) today, you have heard some of the same shouts of glee over the fact that Air America is off the air in Chicago & L.A. due to a legal…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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