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Lying for Columbine

Jed fisks the Children’s Defense Fund’s ridiculous assertion that the non-existent gun show loophole and the assault weapons ban some how are tied to Columbine.

2 Responses to “Lying for Columbine”

  1. jed Says:

    Thanks for shout-out, Uncle.

  2. AlphaPatriot Says:

    I was watching some cop show a couple of weeks ago where they were going after a domestic terrorist. Thown into the mix of facts during a ten-second briefing to bring everyone (especially the audience) up to speed was a soundbite like, “He’s got a [make and caliber] rifle that he bought at a gun show.”

    Totally gratuitous. Totally propaganda.

    Hollywood! [*spit*]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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