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More on Cheney and the NRA

Buzzflash writes that Cheney supports gun control:

All the NRA gun guys who wanted to hear Mr. Cheney speak about God and Guns and Freedom and the evils of Gun Control had to leave their guns in their hotel rooms and go through metal detectors, among other screening procedures, before they could gain entry to the meeting hall where Cheney addressed them. In short, if you were an NRA member and wanted to hear Cheney, you had to go through gun control. In fact, security screening for Cheney started three hours in advance of his NRA speech.

So, Dick Cheney tells the NRA members gun control is bad for America, but is apparently good enough for him. Excuse us, but we want some of what Cheney gets: you know, the treatment where the gun guys can’t be in the same room with us while packing heat. If it’s good enough for Cheney, it’s good enough for BuzzFlash!

What does it say about politicians that they don’t trust you?

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