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Kinda funny

You rob someone. They thwart your robbery with a gun. Your defense strategy:

Attorney Scott Brettschnieder thinks the Queens DA’s office should recuse itself from prosecuting the case against client Devon Keitt, who was wounded during his attempted hold up. The reason? They “illegally” let store clerk Edwin Marte “off the hook” for having an unlicensed firearm – the one he used to save himself during the alleged attempted robbery by the defendant.

Ok, that’s a lot funny.

This one is not so funny. A man finds an illegal sawn off shotgun in his son’s room. He contemplates tossing it in a river but does the right thing and takes it to the police:

Hartford police, in turn, showed their appreciation by arresting and cuffing him, taking him on what became a bruising ride to headquarters and then keeping him in a holding cell until they realized their mistake.

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