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Tennessee Education

Apparently, it’s education week among the RTB. South (of) Knox Bubba reports on Faith Based government and schools. He also discusses some other education funding issues.

Les and I address bias against home schooled children.

But check this out. Not only is their a bias against private home schooled children compared to public schools, there is a dramatic bias against home schools compared to home schools operated in association with a church-related school.

I understand that many parents feel that church schools are the way to go so I have no qualm really with laws promoting the idea, after all parents should be able to choose where their kids go. But more discrimination against parents who choose to home school their kids themselves? There is definitely bias mandated by law against private home schoolers. The only question is whether or not it is intentional.

5 Responses to “Tennessee Education”

  1. skb Says:

    Yeah, and church schools (and presumably home extensions) are exempt from No Child Left Behind testing standards, too (if I’m not mistaken).

  2. Jane Says:

    Do “church-related schools” include Catholic ones? And do church-related schools not have to follow the minimum state curriculum? You’re certainly correct that the standards are biased….and the complete lack of qualifications required of church-related school-affiliated home schoolers is no doubt part of the reason why home schoolers get a bum rap as uneducated wingnuts.

  3. Says:

    Volunteer Tailgate Party
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    A collection of the best of the Rocky Top Brigade from the past two weeks (text-only summary in the extended entry below)….

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    Volunteer Tailgate Party
    A collection of the best of the Rocky Top Brigade from the past two weeks (text-only summary in the extended entry below)….

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