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Pot to kettle

Oregon Daily Emerald:

The media industry has been infested by the rise of pseudo-journalists who go against journalism’s long tradition to serve the public with accurate information, Los Angeles Times Editor John S. Carroll told a packed room in the Gerlinger Lounge on Thursday.

Carroll delivered the annual Ruhl Lecture, titled “The Wolf in Reporter’s Clothing: The Rise of Pseudo-Journalism in America.” The lecture was sponsored by the School of Journalism and Communication.

“All over the country there are offices that look like newsrooms and there are people in those offices that look for all the world just like journalists, but they are not practicing journalism,” he said. “They regard the audience with a cold cynicism. They are practicing something I call a pseudo-journalism, and they view their audience as something to be manipulated.”

Holy crap! He’s outing his employer, the LA Times. No, I jest. It’s a tirade against Fox News. Seriously. The LA Times liberal pseudo-journalism is well documented but instead of addressing that, he lambastes the other side.

You might be taken more seriously if you cleaned up your own house first.

3 Responses to “Pot to kettle”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Uh. This story is so yesterday. Glad to see that the fisk-for-all isn’t over yet.

  2. gunner Says:

    Your title for this subject is almost the same as mine. I honestly did not steal your post title.

  3. damnum absque injuria Says:

    Dog Trainer: If it Ain’t Liberal Journalism, it Ain’t Journalism
    L.A. Times editor John Carroll has called off his war on liberal bias, if there ever really was one in the first place. I say “if” because, contrary to Kevin Roderick’s characterization of the memo as a “war on ‘liberal bias'” [internal sneer q…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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