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MMM illegal weapons transfer update

In a comment to my post about the anti-gunners attempting to illicit a potential illegal weapons transfer, a reader commented:

If you look on the area code of the number listed on the SAS website you will see it is a CA number from the 805 area code. And if I understand CA gun laws then those are illegal. CA has a state AWB that I think has no grandfather clause and for sure does not allow transfer of Assault Weapons

I am unfamiliar with California law, but the reader is basically stating that the transfer would be illegal in California.

Update: XRLQ tells me in comments that the transfer may not be legal but some arms are grandfathered.

Additionally, the 805 area code has been transposed (scroll down for Linda S. Vaughn’s contact info). It’s actually 850, which is Florida. So, again, I still contend nothing illegal but likely a ploy to study (again, a term used very loosely) how easy it is to obtain assault weapons.

4 Responses to “MMM illegal weapons transfer update”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    He’s almost right. California’s AW ban (technically, there are two bans, but I’ll treat them as one for simplicity) does have a grandfather clause for the lawful owner; however, it does not permit the grandfathered weapon to be trasnferred freely within the state. AFAIK, a lawfully owned and registered “assault” weapon can only be transferred to a licensed dealer or out of the state.

  2. The Angry Clam Says:

    The grandfather clause isn’t much of one, either.

    You can’t even inherit assault weapons under it. When grandpa dies, you have to (1) turn his guns over to the state (2) transport them out of the state permanently (3) sell them to an authorized merchant (4) destroy them.

  3. steveb Says:

    I read the other day where the turnout for the MMM the other day was only 2,000 people.
    They have lost the battle, but we need to keep our eye on them, because this proves they are very dishonest and sneaky.

  4. Les Jones Blog Says:

    Thursday Gun Links #17
    Discontinuing the fine tradition of blogging from the future, SayUncle here with this week’s gun links. First, a trip around the gun blog world: I address the anti-gunners eliciting questionable weapons transfers here and here. Kevin addresses why you …

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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