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Dennis Miller

Orson Scott Card gives a thumbs up to Dennis Miller’s show on CNBC. I have to say that I’ve been kind of unhappy with Dennis Miller ever since I heard his “rant” about gun control.

I mean, does he really think the Constitution is just a “guideline for the law” and it’s time to “start taking white-out to other parts” of it?

5 Responses to “Dennis Miller”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I’ve been kind of unhappy with Dennis Miller since he stopped being funny or topical, circa 1996.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    (Which, I should point out, was long before he decided that becoming a “conservative” might rejuvenate his career… maybe it had something to do with me having considered myself a conservative at the time. Hmm, he switched from liberal to conservative not too long after I switch from conservative to liberal; maybe there’s a correlation there…)

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    Maybe the amount of liberalism in the world is conserved?

    Hey, now I’m funny!

  4. tgirsch Says:

    Kind of like consonants are conserved? For example, when someone from Boston gets into his “cah,” the missing “r” migrates to Southern Illinois, where people “warsh” stuff.

  5. GORDON Says:

    I heard him discuss his change of heart once. It had something to do with… “I was having a harder and harder time convincing myself that these people (liberals) were rational.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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