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Ok, I’ll say something

I avoided mentioning this when it was new because everyone else covered it. A while back, CNN had a poll on the assault weapons ban. Quite a few bloggers linked to it and apparently got the desired result. Now, here’s a press release that says:

CNN Poll Shows Growing Opposition to Extension of Clinton Ban on Certain Semiautomatic Firearms

Actually, what the poll really says is that us pro-gun guys are better organized online. Heck, I personally voted in the thing three times (computer at work, two at home). An online poll (even one that supports my position) is not a reliable measure.

One Response to “Ok, I’ll say something”

  1. SayUncle : Another unsigned gun editorial Says:

    […] nsion, the survey found. And there is a survey that indicates the opposite is true. Both surveys are misleading. Gun ownership, however, is one of those issues regard […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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