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Frist and the AWB

Looks like Feinstein may try to attach the Assault Weapons Ban renewal to kill a bill. I thought maybe she’d attempt to attach it to a bill that was likely to pass. Gun Owners of America reports:

On Tuesday, the Senate is scheduled to begin consideration of legislation to limit class action lawsuits — a prime candidate for so-called liberal “killer amendments,” including the Feinstein amendment to extend the ban on semiautomatic firearms and magazines.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has threatened to offer her semi-auto ban to any “appropriate” legislative vehicle, and the class action bill is about as “appropriate” as any on the Senate’s legislative schedule.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) has, at his disposal, a variety of parliamentary techniques to prevent Feinstein from offering the semiautomatic ban. Back in March, he chose NOT to use these parliamentary maneuvers during the debacle over the ill-fated gun makers’ protection act.

The debate over this pro-gun bill resulted in a free-for-all which led to killer amendments being added to the bill — amendments like the Feinstein gun ban.

GOA is urging Frist to learn from his mistakes and to use his leadership office to insure that the Feinstein amendment is not offered to S. 2062. (sic)

Frist also voted against the AWB amendment despite allowing it to move forward. If it makes it for a vote this time, Frist will lose my vote.

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