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Blog Poll

Am I blogging about guns too much? If so, what do you want me to blab about?

14 Responses to “Blog Poll”

  1. DCJ Says:

    No, not for me personally. Keep it up. You have become one of my primary sources on 2A and gun issues. You save me the trouble of subscribing to other sources. Thanks.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Glad to help!

  3. Robert Douglas Says:

    Too much gun blogging is like owning too many guns… there is not such thing!

    Of course, I am biased.

    Hey, it is your blog, talk about what you find interesting at the time.

  4. Thibodeaux Says:

    Guns guns and more guns!

  5. Brutal Hugger Says:

    I don’t share your ardor for guns as object, fetish or political issue, but I do enjoy reading your take on the latest gun news. Also, it seems that with the AWB fight going on, this would be a particularly good time to be focused on gun blogging.

    I do share your ardor for Pits and your disdain of breed-specific legislation, so I’m glad you hit that hard too.

  6. Jay G Says:

    Too much guns? Try not enough…

  7. tgirsch Says:

    I’m rather indifferent on gun issues, so it has seemed a bit gun-heavy to me lately; that said, those posts aren’t intended for me.

    You have been awfully quiet on pop culture issues, however. You’ve completely missed the Britney’s-boob-pops-out incident, and you haven’t weighed in on the ever-important “which candidate’s daughters are hotter” debate.

  8. Thibodeaux Says:

    Britney’s boob popped out? postpixplskthx.

  9. mike hollihan Says:

    Thib, it was either in the Guardian or the Sun. She had a “Janet Jackson moment” on stage during a London concert. The amazing thing is no one noticed, even in the pictures, until almost a month later!

  10. mike hollihan Says:

    Oh, I think Fark has the link. Root around in the Farkives from mid-week.

  11. Cinomed Says:

    Uncle, you are under my “Gun Blog” list, so no, not too many gun posts.
    You tend to post the same things as some of the other 2A bloggers, but with a more level head….
    You know I love Kim, but I would be very afraid if he had any real political power! LOL

  12. John of Argghhh! Says:

    I’m sorry. The question didn’t make any sense…

  13. Xrlq Says:

    I think you blog way too much about guns, and way too little about things that might convince Mrs. X to leave California. You don’t need to convince me.

  14. SayUncle Says:

    Well, you could tell her that housing is too much, taxes are too much and freedom is too little.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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