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Couple things

1 – If you ever want a good reminder of why you went to college, spend a couple of hours digging post holes.

2 – I watched the TV news today and had two stories that affirm my reasons for not watching TV news. The first story was of a tragedy where a child on a field trip slipped and fell into some rough water and drowned. The solution to prevent this was field trip checklists. Huh? Number two involved the guy that slipped and fell on another worker. As a result of the fall, the other worker accidentally shot six nails from a nail gun into the guy’s head. TV news then pointed out that nail guns hold sixty nails, shot them as fast as you pulled the trigger (a distinction not usually made for semi-automatic guns that shoot bullets), and that these guns didn’t have safeties. Again, huh? How would a safety have stopped that?

5 Responses to “Couple things”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Nail guns DO have safties. If it isn’t pressed up against a surface, it won’t fire a nail no matter how much you press the trigger.

  2. Blake Says:

    Comedian Tim Wilson made a joke about banning nail guns during the Clinton years.

    Paraphrasing (and not quite as funny, but you get the point). He said he could take a passload nail gun, and keep you out of his yard as long as he didn’t run out of nails. That’s the next thing Clinton is going to ban…”I know you guys like to put smiley faces in your baseboard, but the passload nailgun is killing our children.”

    Anyway…truth may end up being stranger than fiction.

  3. Blake Says:

    Oh…some good news for the day:

  4. Jay G Says:

    It’s Paslode, Blake.

    They make a helluva framing nailer. Put together a 12 X 16 deck in half an afternoon with one…

  5. illbill Says:

    i can shoot my nail gun wherever

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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