Soccer Moms to Security Moms
Michelle Malkin, who blogs here, addresses how soccer moms are becoming security moms. And she has shirts!
Michelle Malkin, who blogs here, addresses how soccer moms are becoming security moms. And she has shirts!
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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July 22nd, 2004 at 3:57 pm
That is not a very impressive article. She doesn’t define her term in any meaningful way, she takes one poll that uses the terminology she chose, and then says she is right because X, Y and Z happened — despite the fact that there are plenty of other reasons X, Y and Z could have happened.
And, to top it off, she doesn’t even discuss any polling on how these alleged voters think about, well, anything. These “Look, I found a new swing voter!” articles are usually pretty silly, but she didn’t even try here. Basically, she think there should be security moms who think like she does because, well, she think like that so why shouldn’t other people? To top it off, why, security moms are really just concerned about border security! Wow — how amazing that they would be concerned about something she is concerned about?
You know what — these woman may exist — but you don’t know that form reading this article, because she didn’t even try to make a case. Why the heck can’t we have journalist who actually do journalism?
July 22nd, 2004 at 4:58 pm
Michelle Malkin Desperately Regrets Flusing Her Valium
Michelle Malkin comes out as a secuirty mom and a freak who scares her four-year-old daughter with stories about Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. She actually brags that her daughter “knows that there are bad men in the world trying to kill America…
July 22nd, 2004 at 7:13 pm
I liked the part about teaching her child about evil people, which was why i linked to it. And she has a gun! Woohoo!
I had doubts about the demographics thing.
August 5th, 2004 at 8:57 am
Thursday Gun Links #27
Administrative note: with the baby less than two months away, I’m going to spend less time blogging. The regular Tuesday E-commerce Report and Thursday Gun Links will become irregular for the rest of the year. Gunner at No Quarters has…