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Oh, that liberal media

Still checking to see if a major American news source is going to cover the Kerry/Cambodia flop . . . . hang on, I’m looking . . .. Nope.

It’s possible I missed it so if you have a link, let me know.

Update: Countertop has more in comments.

2 Responses to “Oh, that liberal media”

  1. countertop Says:

    The NY Daily News had a big story on it yesterday. However, since its owned by Rupert Murdoch I think most other news outlets ignore it.

  2. countertop Says:

    Actually, a review of the Lexis-Nexis news databse between monday and today shows that 44 news stories contain the words Kerry AND Christmas AND Cambodia.

    Not surprisingly, the major media is not present on that list.

    There is a letter in today’s Washington Post criticizing the papers coverage:

    The Aug. 12 editorial did not mention one charge that gives credence to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: that Sen. John F. Kerry lied when he repeatedly stated that he was on a mission in Cambodia on Christmas Day, 1968. In a floor speech in the Senate on March 17, 1986, Mr. Kerry said the memory of being in Cambodia that day was “seared” in him.

    Now that he has been challenged on that by his fellow officers, Mr. Kerry, through a spokesman, says his seared memory is now a “mistaken recollection” and he’s not sure where he was that day. His fellow officers say that they and he were 50 miles away at Sa Dec on the Mekong River. Mr. Kerry has been proven to have spoken falsely about one major aspect of his service that he has used to score political points. Rather than pointing an accusatory finger at Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, The Post should give Mr. Kerry’s record the thorough vetting Americans need before they decide this year’s presidential contest.


    This however, seems to be the only mention in the major domestic media.

    Of the other reported articles – London’s Daily Telegraph and the Glasgow Herald have reported on the story.
    The Columbus Ohio dispatched picked it up (thats important – a local swing state paper) and CNBC’s Capitol Report addressed it.

    The Washington Times of course covered the story as did the New York Sun and Fox News and Joe Scarborough – but these aren’t the Times or Washington Post.

    National Journal also covered it, but only DC policy wonks like myself read that fine publication.

    There ya go. Straight from Lexis-Nexis.

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