Dogs and babies
A doctor in Kentucky, who obviously doesn’t know shit about dogs, says pit bulls shouldn’t be allowed around children because of a recent attack he had to treat:
“I just don’t understand with all the breeds available, why people with these children have to have these aggressive dogs,” said Cummings.
“I think that’s just like keeping a loaded pistol on your coffee table saying kids don’t touch it,” said Josh Wilson, Jada’s father. “Course I’m mad that my daughter’s face has stitches all over it. I’m not nearly as mad as I was yesterday.”
It’s terrible that this happened but the owners of the dog should have paid attention to who was entering their house. No dog is inherently any more aggressive than any other based entirely on its breed. It’s about socialization and proper training. Don’t look now Doc, but here’s an image of a vicious dog and a baby.