TiVo picking up on blogging?
A while back, I TiVoed the CNN thing on blogging because Glenn said he’d be on it. Since then, TiVo’s suggestions function has recorded an episode of Dennis Miller, which featured the blogger Moxie.
Last night, it picked up an episode of whatever Bill Maher’s new show on HBO is called. And there was Michelle Malkin arguing with some Democrat politician and DL Hughley. Nothing exciting to report about the exchange, other than the Democrat toed the party line. DL Hughley had nothing insightful or funny to say once he ran out of scripted one-liners. I stopped watching (baby cried) when they started addressing her book, which apparently defends the internment of Japanese in America during WWII. I don’t see how such an act is defensible.
I realize Michelle Malkin is not only known as a blogger but a syndicated columnist. Regardless, is TiVo searching for shows that feature bloggers? I realize that is unlikely, but I found it interesting.
August 17th, 2004 at 2:26 pm
Give Michelle a chance to explain it. I read one of the first chapters online. The decision arose from a Japanese pilot that was downed in Hawaii. He eventually ended up killing a bunch of islanders and almost escaping — because he was aided by two American people of Japanese ancestry. (IIRC, at least one of them was born in America.)
Given that collusion had already happened I think it is much more defensible.
August 17th, 2004 at 6:23 pm
off topic question…can your TIVO record something while you watch a different channel..?…or do you have to watch what you are recording? I have the Comcast dvr/high def box that only has 1 tuner…kind of defeats the purpose when the fiancee and myself fight over what we are watching.
August 17th, 2004 at 7:26 pm
TiVo for DTV has two recievers. So, i can record two things. Watch one thing and record one other. Or record two things and watch a show it’s already recorded.