In an update to the post about the WATE’s local news catching lawful commerce on tape, I sent an email to the news contact and, what I assumed was the email address for Tim Miller, that said:
Your report on the gun show loophole is disingenuous. There is the right of citizens to engage in lawful commerce. There has never been a federal law written to restrict the private sale of firearms. Additionally, such a law would be unenforceable. By “unlicensed dealer”, you are referring to those citizens who legally sell their own property. By referring to it as a “loophole,” you imply that there is a deliberate effort to skirt the law.
Additionally, the Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that:
“Less than 1% of “crime guns” were obtained at gun shows.”
“Only 0.7% of convicts bought their firearms at gun shows. 39.2% obtained them from illegal street dealers.”
The ATF often fails to investigate illegal purchases. According to the Associated Press, over 7,000 people who should have been barred from buying guns obtained them (i.e., were not stopped by the background check process you hold so dear) through dealers. Additionally, out of 122,000 purchases that were denied due to background checks, only 154 were charged (source)
For some sensationalistic reporting, you may want to attempt to purchase one off the street. However, such an attempt would be dangerous and I don’t recommend it.
I also posted it at WATE’s message board.
Update: I received the following email from Tim Miller at WATE:
I found out the word loophole, although not used in our on-air version of the piece, was included when the script was posted on the website. I have since talked to Angie to get it removed.
I don’t know who Aaron is but cool. You will notice that the word loophole doesn’t appear in the story now. Having said that, I watched the video they have there. This prompted another email to Mr. Miller:
Thanks. I just watched the video segment.
In it, you also stated that the Columbine killers got their guns from a gun show. This is true on the surface. However, what you may not know is that Manes and Anderson (who bought the guns for the killers) were lawful purchasers and would have passed a background check if performed. She made an illegal straw purchase on behalf of the killers. Additionally, the 18 year old killer could legally purchase his own rifle (since he was an adult). A background check would in no way have stopped Columbine.
I’ll post this at the forum too.