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Assault Weapons Ban Miscellany

A good letter to the editor that attempts to debunk the fears of the ban. One note: Machine guns weren’t banned in the 1930s, they were just taxed and regulated.

More hysteria from the antigunners. This one has it all: the children, cops getting killed, blood in the streets, Uzis, AK47s, etc. It then lists some of the tragic shootings of recent memory.

And, some good news, the gun industry is gearing up for the expiration of the ban. This article intimates that gun makers are going to crank out new rifles. Actually, they’re just going to make the same rifles but those rifles will be equipped with bayonet lugs, flash hiders and folding stocks.

One Response to “Assault Weapons Ban Miscellany”

  1. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    A Krebs KTR-03S with folding stock, bayo lug, and flash suppressor?

    I know they’ve got a “waiting list” (waiting for 14 Sep) because I asked.

    I just don’t have a $grand to spare.

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