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More on Moore

So, all the criticism of Moore’s, ahem, documentaries and their looseness with the facts goes under-reported in most mainstream media outlets (the criticisms I have read come from blogs and other websites). Yet, when some one calls him a fat pig, it gets some coverage?

2 Responses to “More on Moore”

  1. The Everlasting Phelps Says:

    Gonna Fisk that Fat Right Off of His Ass
    In a story as intellectually devoid at the delegates that it covers, ABC reports that Delegates Call Moore ‘Fat Pig’: You can call Michael Moore a lot of things — and Republicans do. They say the creator of “Fahrenheit 9-11″…

  2. The Politburo Diktat Says:

    Show Trial #4
    “We have now come to the end of these proceedings. We are making the final summary. We are drawing our last deductions in preparation, within a few hours, perhaps, to hear your verdict, the verdict of the Court which demands and expects from you a jus…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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