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Good Art (IMHO)

Long, long ago when the web was young, I used my university Unix account to set up a “home page.” Back then, it was all the rage to have a bunch of links to other cool home pages (well, I guess that’s still all the rage).

One of the cool links I had was to something called (IIRC) “Brian Yoder’s Art Page.” He had tons of images of paintings by late 19th Century artists—I forget if there was any name for the movement, but I would call it Romantic/Realist/Humanist. The site also seemed to have sort of an Objectivist orientation. If I had known how to automate downloading everything from a website back then, I would have done it with this one.

As the years went by, I had less time to revisit this site, and eventually the link I had went the way of all links, and was no more. I was a little disappointed, but these things happen. I would have googled for some of the artists, but I wasn’t sure of the names, and anyway, there was bloggin’ to get done (and other stuff).

Now Dean Esmay has a post about female beauty, and he focuses on the paintings of one William Bouguereau (heh..that guy needs an “x” on the end of his name). When I saw the pictures, I knew in an instant that this must have been one of the artists from Brian Yoder’s page. At the end of the post, Dean had a link to a site called the Art Renewal Center, which hosts tons of images of various artists—many of which looked familiar. I clicked around on some articles, and lo-and-behold: there’s Brian Yoder!

Turns out he’s on the Board of Trustees of the ARC, and he has an art blog which also has some of the old site’s pages as archives! Sweet! Thanks, Dean, for hooking me up with an old favorite.

PS: As always, with art, De gustibus non est disputandum.

2 Responses to “Good Art (IMHO)”

  1. SayUncle Says:

    Sadly, so much art is total crap. Glad to see some art that requires effort.

  2. rich Says:

    Women should have curves, not angles.

    At least, that’s what I’ve always said.

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