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I thought only Republicans called their opponents Un-American

First, the AP takes a quote out of context from Dick Cheney, then let Edwards respond by calling Cheney un-American. What do you have? Politics.

Oh, that liberal media.

Note: the Seattle Times piece above said the Kerry campaign called Cheney un-American. However, on the news this morning it was clearly Edwards stating that.

Update: South(of)KnoxBubba‘s comment prompted me to re-read the quotes. I think SKB may be right but without listening to the audio, I can’t be sure. I guess stuff is lost in transcribing. Also, the Cheney people have rescinded the statement. Unlike Drudge, I’ll leave my error here.

This does not excuse calling the Veep un-American. That term and questions about patriotism are really dirty politics, no matter which side uses them.

2 Responses to “I thought only Republicans called their opponents Un-American”

  1. skb Says:

    That Cheney quote is not out of context. That’s what he said, and that’s what he meant. His spokesperson even retracted it later, and when pressed if Cheney stood by it, she said Cheney stands by her explanation of the remark. That guy you linked to is trying to creatively interpret what he said for him and his interpretationis a big load of B.S.

  2. Brian A. Says:

    Edwards said Cheney’s comment was unAmerican, he didn’t say Cheney was.

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