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Chain of events

First, CBS had the bogus draft story. Then NBC. Now, Rock The Vote:

“Rock the Vote”..supposedly a “non profit” organization are recruiting young Americans to register to vote with scary “your gonna get drafted unless you vote” tactics. Check out this pack of “non-biased”, “non profit” lies.
Here is a synopsis of the first propaganda “educational” film:

Young Black guy: “I just got this sweet job. Hopefully in 6 months I can start my own business”
Young Black girl: “Thats if you dont get drafted first.
Young black guy: “Drafted?”
Young black girl: “Drafted…for the war.
Young black guy: “They can do that?”
Voice over…
“One of the many issues that can be decided this election”

One Response to “Chain of events”

  1. Kirk Parker Says:

    One of the many issues that can be decided this election

    Heh, they’re right, but just not in the way they think they are–since it’s Democrats who sponsored the draft bill that’s now languishing in subcommittee, I’d be worried that voting Democrat might bring it out again!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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