Quote of the day
Cheney to Edwards (paraphrased):
Your facts are just wrong . . . but you probably weren’t there to vote for it, Senator.
Heh. This debate is like a repeat of the presidential debate. They’re both saying the same thing. I wonder if a side by side comparison of the transcripts would be that different?
October 6th, 2004 at 2:58 am
I don’t know. Do you mean Kerry and Edwards? I thought Cheney tore up Edwards. I know the spin cycle is on and it may get spun as a draw. But, Cheney made some excellent points about the Senators and their record.
October 6th, 2004 at 11:22 am
Problem is, both men lied a lot (I think Cheney did it a lot more than Edwards, but then I’m biased). I don’t expect the fact checkers to be very kind to either of them, but FactCheck.org has been Cheneylanched, so I can’t get to it.