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Text of NRA Bush Interview

The text of NRA endorsed presidential candidate George Bush is here:

President Bush: It was a clear reversal. It was a position that needed to be reversed—the prior Administration had taken the position that the Second Amendment only applies to state militias and doesn’t protect an individual right to bear arms. My opponent issued a press release earlier this year supporting that exact same position. I know that’s not what the Constitution says. The Constitution gives people a personal right to bear arms. So we did reverse the Clinton Administration’s position, and I think that was the right thing to do.

So, why support the assault weapons ban? Why oppose rolling back DC’s unconstitutional gun restrictions? Or why not, you know, get rid of several anti-gun executive orders? And why the support for closing the gun show loophole? Etc.

One Response to “Text of NRA Bush Interview”

  1. countertop Says:

    Because he wants to be re-elected.

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