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Prez Race most expensive in history . . . until the next one

2004 election cost estimate is $4B. Presidential race to cost to cost $1.2B:

“The 2004 presidential and congressional elections will shatter previous records for spending, and the biggest reason is the increase in giving by individuals to candidates and parties,” said Larry Noble, the Center’s executive director.

The article also details where the bling bling is coming from. Looks like the incumbent protection act err campaign finance reform didn’t really have it’s desired effect. Must be a loophole, or something.

You know, $4B would buy a lot of healthcare err insurance, military equipment, employment benefits, and other pie in the sky things the candidates are promising us.

One Response to “Prez Race most expensive in history . . . until the next one”

  1. Brian A Says:

    And a good percentage of the money is spend on TV ads designed to confuse people.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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