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It’s always a good idea to google things first

Drug War Rant:

A new acronym is born. D’Alliance notes that the ONDCP and the DOJ have given birth to the NSDAP (unfortunately, their method of reproduction involves screwing us). The mewling newborn, which will be quickly sucking at the public teat, is designed to go after the designer drugs. For a bit of fun, try googling NSDAP. Oops.


4 Responses to “It’s always a good idea to google things first”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:


  2. Justin Says:

    I thought I recognized that acronym…very funny!

  3. Manish Says:

    Is this officially a Goodwin violation?

  4. gunner Says:

    That’s a good one. Wonder how long till they change it?

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