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Perusing the lefty blogs

Our favorite easy to make fun of partisan hack says:

Even if Ohio is litigated, it shouldn’t be this close. We’re telling the world that we endorse the last four years, and give thumbs up to more evil.

Now, I didn’t vote for Bush or Kerry but I don’t think either one is evil. Both are incompetent, pandering shills. But they’re not evil.

King of the moonbats seems silent as of now.

Kos blames the big ol’ evil media. Screw ’em.

Kathy (not a lefty blog) links to the moonbat playground err Democratic Underground.

Bubba is upset. His commenters are using phrases like Nazi and AmeriKKKa. Oh dear.

The election may be cause for liberals to arm themselves.

5 Responses to “Perusing the lefty blogs”

  1. cube Says:

    “Liberals don’t have guns.”

    hah hah.

    Even if they did, they could not hit anything with it.

  2. Brass Says:

    Just great. Now well have an increase in accidental gun deaths. Of course that may be their plan, half of them kill themselves and the other half screams for more gun control. I don’t know if this would be a good thing or not.

  3. Brass Says:



  4. SayUncle Says:

    Bubba tried to write but my comments section ate it:

    “One commenter. I started to delete it, but what the hell, let the guy vent. It’s probably GOP agit-prop anyway.

    Oh, and this liberal already has lots of guns and he’s a pretty good shot.”

  5. Kathy K Says:

    You can call OTTH ‘not a lefty blog’ as long as you don’t call it a ‘righty’ blog. 😉

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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