Forget Hillary’s Vice President . . .
What would you call Bill Clinton? You couldn’t very well call him the first lady, now could you?
And, yes, I do find it odd that people are speculating her 2008 run so soon.
What would you call Bill Clinton? You couldn’t very well call him the first lady, now could you?
And, yes, I do find it odd that people are speculating her 2008 run so soon.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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November 5th, 2004 at 10:29 am
I went to a law school alumni associatino meeting last night. What a wonderful feeling to proudly walk in to a room of rabid left wing democrats with me Freedom First tie on and a Bush Cheney pin on my lapel.
I guess he was blind, but one loser came up to me and struck up a conversation with me. When I asked where he worked, he said that he just finished up a post with the Kedwards campaign and went on to talk about what an honor it was to serve.
I looked at him, and without calmly explained how I thought Tuesday was wonderful and was so proud of my efforts to defeat that traitorous lout.
The guy dropped his drink on the floor.
Anyway, I bring this up just to point out that this one rather clueless individual was saying that there was no way the Democrats would let Hillary run in 2008, that he didn’t see her having any ability to win nationally.
Doesn’t mean much, as we can see already he doesn’t have much between his ears, but I still thought it was interesting to hear a democrat not singing the praises of Hillary.
November 5th, 2004 at 10:57 am
The Hillary delusion is pretty widespread. Somehow people think an uncharismatic ice queen with lots of baggage can get elected president because she has “Clinton” for a last name.
Other people who have no hope of winning the presidency:
Condi Rice – a disaster zone every time she’s on TV; also lacks charisma
John Edwards – unqualified to be vice-president, much less president, and couldn’t even carry his home state in 2004
November 5th, 2004 at 12:58 pm
Hillary is hardly an ice queen with no charisma. She’s not Bill, but she’s above average for a politician. It’s not like those pasty white guys holding office in DC are all challenging Will Smith in personality contests.
Hillary is wildly popular among certain demographics. She’s wildly unpopular among other ones. But the same can be said of Bush, and look where he’s sitting right now.
I wouldn’t think of Hillary as the Dem’s first choice, but she’s hardly the last one either.
November 5th, 2004 at 1:18 pm
Hillary is hardly an ice queen with no charisma.
Difference of opinion, I guess. What aspect of her personality do you find appealing? In my mind she’s a Machievel who cares more about political power than her husband’s fidelity.
“Hillary is wildly popular among certain demographics.
She’s wildly popular with people who would vote for a yellow dog if it was a Democrat. That won’t win an election.
November 5th, 2004 at 4:30 pm
In the appalling and unlikely event that the Republicans find a candidate so bad as to lose to Hilary, the obvious title for Bill is “Worst Man”.
November 6th, 2004 at 7:30 pm
People have been speculating about Hillary ’08 ever since the Democrats nominated John Kerry, and in some cases even before that.
A crummy/loony Dem nominee that was likely to tank seemed to just be setting the stage.