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…And in other news

Stocks will probably slide today on the news that Colin Farrell may star in a remake of Miami Vice, along with Jamie Foxx.

It’s not a comedy at all. It’s cool,” said Farrell in an interview. “Michael Mann wrote it and when he writes it’s good and it goes pretty deep.”

Farrell said he wasn’t sure whether his Crockett would have the three-day growth of beard that Johnson turned into an ’80s fashion statement, but he would definitely have an updated wardrobe.

“I don’t think I’ll be wearing a silver shiny suit,” he said.

One Response to “…And in other news”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    I just watched two ’80s-era Mann movies the other week: Red Dragon (based on Manhunter in the Hannibal Lector books) and To Live and Die in L.A. Both have very ’80s music, and TLADILA has good ’80s music.

    There are scenes in Red Dragon where the main character is on the beach, and his clothes totally reminded me of Miami Vice. In fact, his character is pretty much halfway between Fox Mulder and Don Johnson, if you can believe that. Cerebral, but with lots of stubble.

    I loved HEAT and liked Thief. I haven’t seen his new movie with Tom Cruise.

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