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Some cowboy

I wish the president wasn’t such a girlie-man:

President Bush used the annual Thanksgiving turkey- pardoning rite Wednesday to roast the bitter campaign for the White House, jokingly recalling fund-raising disputes, attack ads and a polarizing political movie. “Now’s the time for healing,” he said, as he ceremonially spared two birds.

Sparing the turkeys? Can we get a real man in the White House who would shoot the birds himself?

3 Responses to “Some cowboy”

  1. Manish Says:

    What happens if these turkeys now go on a wild shooting spree. What about the children?

  2. Les Jones Says:

    John Kerry would have totally slain those birds with his trusty over-and-under.

  3. CJ Says:

    This is clearly the President’s implicit support of gun control.

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