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Zero Tolerance at Work


Around noon Tuesday, after Alan Vanhuss put an earring in his right ear his science teacher sent him to the principal’s office. “They told me it was considered a dangerous weapon and I wasn’t allowed to pierce my ear in school and it’s zero tolerance.”

An earring is a weapon? Apparently, anything is a weapon:

The principal at Clinton Middle couldn’t talk about the specific case or punishment but told 6 News the policy on weapons includes anything that can inflict injury, even a pen, pencil or earring.

Zero tolerance is a rather sorry joke. Too bad it’s played on our children.

7 Responses to “Zero Tolerance at Work”

  1. CJ Says:

    So if all pens and pencils are potential weapons… what exactly to they write with… crayons?!?!

  2. SayUncle Says:

    No, those are weapons too.

  3. Barry Says:

    They just have the think the right answers, and the teachers give them the benefit of the doubt so they don’t get sued for causing the kids emotional distress if they fail…

  4. Manish Says:

    We need to ban Assault earings now!

  5. Marc Says:

    I hear that at my old high school they’ve banned the ground because someone might pound somebody’s head into it 😉

  6. markm Says:

    The thing that will cause the most harm to kids in this school is the principal.

  7. Brutal Hugs Says:

    No More Teachers, No More Books
    Tennessee school bans pens and pencils. Apparently they’re weapons and a violation of the zero-tolerance policy. I suspect the move is part of a long-range plan to convert our schools into padded-cell nurseries. Via Say Uncle….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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