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Gay Marriage Fallout

I seem to catch some flak from my more conservative readers since I don’t oppose gay marriage. Why do I support it? For cases like this:

In 1999, a lesbian couple, Tina Burch and Christine Smarr, had a child in West Virginia. Smarr, the biological mother, was killed in a car accident in 2002. Her parents have spent the last two years seeking to take custody from her partner (the surviving parent) in West Virginia’s courts.

Taking a five year old from one of the only parents he has known? Who does this benefit?

One Response to “Gay Marriage Fallout”

  1. lobbygow Says:

    Taking a five year old from one of the only parents he has known? Who does this benefit?

    The egos of frightened, selfish people who want to tell everyone else how to live to keep their mind of their own pathetic lack of moral courage.

    That and family court trial lawyers.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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