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Welcome aboard

In Britain, they passed a law for national ID cards. Perry de Havilland says he’s out of there. Good for him. However, though there is a push for national ID cards here and officially we don’t have them, try doing any of the following without a social security card or drivers license:

Get a loan for a house
Take public transportation
Buy a gun at a gun store
Get a job

Well, it’s a long list.

5 Responses to “Welcome aboard”

  1. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Are you suggesting we should let people vote without providing some form of ID?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Nope. Just noting that a state funded document to engage in certain activities.

  3. Manish Says:

    I take public transportation all the time without showing any sort of ID.

  4. triticale Says:

    I vote all the time in Milwaukee without showing ID.

  5. steven Says:

    This law has not been voted in the UK yet. It is just a draft at the moment.


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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