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Odd Jobs

Les is asking people what sort of odd (as in unusual) jobs they’ve had. Me personally: professional bungee jumper, worked in a prison, and I used to inventory nukes.

2 Responses to “Odd Jobs”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    I worked as a janitor at the Milwaukee Stock Yards Exchange. Basically, this amounted to scraping caked-on cow shit off of the office building floor.

    I also worked one summer for the USDA’s soil conservation service (your tax dollars at work!), working to identify high-risk farms. (It sounds silly on its face, but topsoil erosion from over-tilling remains a serious problem…)

    Plus, I worked for about a year in a costume jewlery store, where I was the only male (and later, the only heterosexual male) employee. That was a surprisingly fun job.

  2. Bruce Says:

    I worked for one night as the poor unfortuante bastard who had to drive a stripper around to all her gigs that night and had to watch a real hot chick named “Angel” take her clothes off over and over again. Oh, the horror.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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