That which I fail to understand or agree with must be hatred. After all, I’m a reasonable, sane and normal person. At least that’s a rationale, I suppose. KTK, in describing someone who disagrees with him, uses the words: hated, bigotry, wingnuts, hatred, and homophobia. Not words one should use if trying to reach hearts and minds. He referenced both gay marriage and our national Ponzi Scheme err social security.
As someone who supports gay marriage (or rather one who questions why contract management is a government issue other than in a court of law), I know a lot of folks here in East Tennessee who oppose gay marriage. They don’t hate gays. Most of my friends have the Seinfeld variety of gay tolerance (not that there’s anything wrong with that). They don’t oppose gay marriage because they hate gays. They oppose it due to their religious beliefs (though one guy I know opposes it for biological reasons). It’s not hatred really but it is asserting religiosity into government, which is a no-no. After all, the bible says man-on-man love is an abomination (chick stuff is apparently cool, though) but it also says the same thing about shellfish.
Do people hate social security? Probably. I do. I’d rather have my money, thanks. But it’s not a profound, irrational hatred of a safety social net or the elderly. It’s a profound love of free markets and the choice to do what I want with money I earn.
Referring to those that disagree with you as hateful does not win hearts and minds. Period. You’re doing your cause a great disservice with such rhetoric. It’s hateful.
While I’m picking on Leanleft, there have been two recent instances in which Kevin has referred to someone as un-Christian or questioned someone’s Christianity. I find this troubling and a bit odd from someone who gets upset whenever another person refers to anyone with a D after their name as unpatriotic.