Couple of quick gun hits
Volunteer TV has a piece on gun lock legislation, which is pointless:
As Volunteer TV’s Lee Merrit reports, while some state legislators believe new law [requiring gun locks] could help prevent these tragedies, others say it’s not their decision to make.
“Certainly I’d vote for it,” says State Representative Joe Armstrong, (D) Knoxville.
“Laws like that are unenforceable,” says State Senator Tim Burchett, (R) Knoxville.
You can’t enforce it and it makes defensive guns useless.
Also, Shelby County, Alabama officers are getting spray firing from the hip bullet hoses. Actually, the article only mentions that they are getting semiautomatic AR15s. Odd how they’re just semiautomatics when the reporters report that police have them but when a regular Joe gets one, it’s an assault weapon.
January 18th, 2005 at 9:58 am
Stupid gun laws and choices
Say Uncle talks here about "gun lock" legilation.Yes this is all we need, more big government involvement between the consumer and the gun manufacters. I swear with this thinking its a wonder how capatialism survives.And this crap lately wi
January 18th, 2005 at 9:58 am
Stupid gun laws and choices
Say Uncle talks here about "gun lock" legilation.Yes this is all we need, more big government involvement between the consumer and the gun manufacters. I swear with this thinking its a wonder how capatialism survives.And this crap lately wi
January 18th, 2005 at 10:36 am
Minor flaw in the reasoning behind that gun lock legislation. The people who leave a loaded gun on a table in a house with a four year old aren’t going to lock the gun.