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Les has more

Weekly gun links. Looks like the AK edition. Bummer on the Saiga, though.

Almost related is John links to the developmental history of assault rifle ammunition:

There are basically two approaches to designing a suitable intermediate cartridge with the appropriate compromise between long range and light recoil. One is to retain the same 7.6-7.9mm calibre as the full-power round, but with a shorter cartridge case firing a lighter bullet at a lower muzzle velocity (let’s call these “full calibre assault rifle,” or FCAR, rounds). The other is to reduce the calibre while retaining the same, or a higher, velocity (reduced calibre, or RCAR rounds). Please click here for a photo gallery of all the rounds discussed in this article.

Or as I like to call them big and slow vs. light and fast.

2 Responses to “Les has more”

  1. GMontag Says:

    Good thing I got my Saiga-12 last summer 🙂

    Hopefully the 8 rd. magazines will come down in price even though the guns are going up a bit. >$80 now, when in stock. Oh yea, EAA did not sell those anyway, had to order the from Russia.

  2. geekWithA.45 Says:


    The laws of physics persist, and we’re stuck with a choice of “smaller and faster” or “bigger and slower”.

    The endless search for the “biggest and fastest we can manage” continues.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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