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Traffic Camera Update

Michael Silence notes that the traffic camera issue is heating up. Local officials want them to increase revenue. An issue I have is the method of payment to the maker of the cameras. I recall reading where one city gave a percentage of fines to the manufacturer so they could defer the cost of these things (which is apparently pretty steep). The manufacturer was then accused of having rigged the cameras to nab people who didn’t violate traffic laws to generate more fines and thus more revenue.

And these cameras have been shown to increase the accident rate.

7 Responses to “Traffic Camera Update”

  1. Brian A Says:

    I’ve heard (but not confirmed) that vendors can get > 50% of the fines collected–plenty of incentive for manufacturers to sell communities on the “safety need” to sign on to this money-making scheme.

  2. cube Says:

    How would camera increse the accident rate?

    The accdient rate would seem to hinge on the intersection in questions (timing of lights, lighting, visbile markings).

    Cameras are just passive devices, how would they cause more accidents.

    I must be missing somthing here.

  3. Jay G Says:

    I’d wager it has something to do with people paying more attention to the camera than to the road…

  4. CL Says:

    The problem is that people being concerned about running the red stopping suddenly and being rear-ended. The big problem is that most of the intersections that have a high rate of running red lights have a problem that causes the red light running. Usually it’s not enough time for the yellow so that drivers can stop safely or a light that is difficult to see. The red-light running could be decreased by fixing that problem rather than putting in the cameras. That costs money instead of bringing money into the local government.

  5. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I’m sure this has been brought up before, but isn’t there a Sixth Amendment problem with red light (or, for that matter, photoradar) issued tickets?

    If I have the right to confront my accuser in court, how does one confront a camera? Does the city have to bring it into the courtroom so I can cross examine it?

  6. CL Says:

    A cop will review the video to sign off on the ticket. That person will, in essence, become the accuser.

  7. cube Says:

    ahh i see.

    That is why you have mud over you license plate all the time or just when you plan on running red lights covered by cameras

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