Gun anti-immunity
I’ve always been lukewarm regarding the bill to protect gun makers from lawsuits. I support it in the sense that it gives anti-gunners other crap to worry about so they don’t devote time to telling the world that the sky is falling when it really isn’t. However, Denise offers another reason to support the bill. That reason is the utter silliness of a the new law in New York in which the city tries to exert its influence on other parts of the country.
When the NYT is bashing your gun policy, you may have gone too far:
Mr. Bloomberg’s new law is likely to serve as a prime exhibit of the case for federal pre-emption on the issue of gun liability. The new city law makes it absolutely clear that anti-gun enclaves intend to inflict their will on other states. Lawmakers from the rest of the country will then, appropriately, move to defend their states’ preference through federal legislation.