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Party of smaller government

Jim VandeHei of the WaPo notes that Bush’s second term calls for bigger and more powerful government. Republicans of the 90s were pushing for smaller government yet when in power they seem to abandon that principle. At least the Rs in the House are concerned.

I bet ol’ Newt is pissed.

One Response to “Party of smaller government”

  1. lobbygow Says:

    Reform doesn’t usually occur to those in power. We’ll probably have to wait for a significant GOP defeat at the national level before we see the Repubs shake off the thrall of the Bushistas.

    The Dems were lucky to be defeated. They may be still reorganizing and evolving, but there are no illusions about how much work there is to do.

    The Republicans seem to believe that a few fundamental flaws won’t hurt their overall viability as long as they have a majority. That sounds a lot like Dems through the 80s and early 90s.

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