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If only they would – redux

In a follow up to this, I’d venture to guess that if Republicans continue this big government, jackpot congress stuff that the next couple of elections could swing to the Democrats or at least allow them to gain some ground. For round two:

The Republicans could maintain their political sway in the United States if only they would . . .

More thoughts?

4 Responses to “If only they would – redux”

  1. Billll Says:

    “The Republicans could maintain their political sway in the United States if only they would . . .”
    Stop acting like tax-and-spend democrats.

  2. Preston Taylor Holmes Says:

    Get serious about protecting our borders and national sovereignity. Reform the tax code – move to Fair Tax or Flat Tax. Abolish the Department of Education – return control to the states and local governments.

    I could go on and on.

  3. Andrew Says:

    …put down the crack pipe.

  4. Fûz Says:

    I’m more interested in the policy prescriptions already offered by non-Republicans, or Republicans In Name Only, such as Rainier Wolfenschm—-er, I mean, the Governator.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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