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BSL in Georgia

There’s a push for it:

Imagine this crime reported in your local news:

Police bust a guy for possession of pit bulls. They find the canines concealed in his truck after it’s checked by a pit-bull-sniffing dog. They say the pit bulls have an estimated street value of $5,000 — or more, as the dogs’ price may be boosted by Georgia’s banning them.

Banning pit bulls is the aim of Georgia House Bill 78. The proposal’s what people in the dog business call “breed-specific legislation,” as is any regulation targeting certain breeds, like if legislators tried to run all Rottweilers out of the state.

The author of the article notes:

This unleashes the question of whether you can have a breed-specific ban on dogs that aren’t a breed. Apparently you can, as H.B. 78 puts all possible pit bulls in the same pen, like this:

“The term ‘pit bull’ means any dog that is an American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, or any dog displaying the majority of physical traits of any one or more of the above breeds, or any dog exhibiting those distinguishing characteristics which substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or United Kennel Club for any of the above breeds.”

One Response to “BSL in Georgia”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    Great. This being Georgia, watch for “libertarians” like Neal Boortz to get behind the effort also.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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