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Norkular weapons

I said I thought it was possible North Korea had nukes. Phelps disagrees. A lot.

3 Responses to “Norkular weapons”

  1. markm Says:

    Phelps evidence is that no Nork nuclear test was detected. I do believe that any test would have been detected in at least four countries. But to conclude from the lack of a test that they don’t have even one bomb, is to assume that they are rational and not too desperate. If you’re desperate and have a very limited number, you might test it in action…

    Remember that in 1945, the US had enough fissionables for just three bombs, of two different types. We tested one U235 bomb in New Mexico, dropped it’s twin on Hiroshima, and dropped the lone Plutonium bomb on Nagasaki. That last one was quite different from the first two, with a much more complicated trigger, so there was no assurance that it would work.

  2. Phelps Says:

    Sure. But the purpose of the third bomb was political, not military. It was to make sure that the Russians (who at the time did not detect our NM test) knew that the first one wasn’t a fluke. If it didn’t work, we bombed the hell out of it (first dirty bomb?) and then went to work making more Little Boy’s.

  3. Walter E. Wallis Says:

    Kim JongII is a Libertarian blonde?

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